Friday, June 10, 2011

*Global Film Exam part 2*

Being true to yourself means that you still act like your own self and do things that are natural to you and your culture. The protagonist I chose that I believed to be true to him was Master Li Mu Bai. He kept his traditional clothing on the whole movie. He kept his own monk hairstyle the same through the whole movie and his rules. He would never fight anyone with dishonor and always fought fair. He never fought to kill he did to create peace. Only once in the whole movie he didn’t kill for peace and that was to avenge his father.
He followed the ancient Chinese traditions very well. And over all he was a cool character. He kept calm through the whole movie even when he was near death. He was trying to keep the one he loved calm by keeping calm his own self.
Master Li Mu Bai was the perfect example of staying true to your self. Because he followed his traditions and culture very well. He never changed for anyone and stayed acting like himself throughout the whole movie.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

*Global Film Final Exam*

I will write my essay on Lola from “Run, Lola, Run” because she has things about her that remind me of myself. She is independent and is willing to do so much for the one she loves. I am that way as well I will go to the ends of the earth for the ones I love, and I too am independent. She has a strange taste in things like me. We also are both not very organized people.
She was a cool character though she wasn’t like the average female she was really strong to the end. She went through drastic measures to help the one she loves and I respect that. I too would do drastic things to help the ones I love. She also didn’t have that good of a relationship with her family. I too am currently suffering from family problems so this is why I currently feel connected to Lola.
The culture of Germany is very interesting. They are strong, independent and intelligent people. All of those things were shown well within Lola. What I can say is the only differences between Lola and I is she is a lot more fit then me, she is a female and she is a lot braver then me.
Germany is definitely stricter then the United States. It seems like a very cool place to be. I heard that you can get a lot of well paying jobs in Germany and their Health Care system is a lot better then ours. They may have had a dark past but now they are a good society with a lot of awesome places to go. Also I like how idiocy is punished a bit more there then here, I think they over all have better rules and customs over there then here, but that is only my opinion so other people could be thinking different things.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

{My Life In Pink}

Its about a middle class family of 6 living in a good neighborhood in Belgium. The protagonist of the story is a little 7 year old boy named Ludovic. He feels as if he is a female which means he is a transexual.

The boy gets caught in a dress when at his new friends house. which is when the trouble starts for the Fabre family. the whole neighborhood starts to hate them because of it. Even the mom goes crazy and starts to hate her own son.

I think this movie showed how a lot of people are very rude to those that are different. I believe that everyone should be treated equally. No matter what, in the end we are all just people, so we should all be treated like people.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

{Triplets of Belleville}

This movie takes place in France. A Young Man is a bike enthusiast and gets kidnapped by strange henchman. It is his grandmas job with the assistance of his dog to go and rescue him

She meets triplet singers once they get older and they go on a mission to go save her grandson. The movie is in cartoon style and its also silent. They show the strangeness in the food French people eat.

I thought this movie was alright. The style was unique and disturbing at the same time. It reminded me a little bit of Russian cartooning but a bit more odd.